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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - outside


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Перевод с английского языка outside на русский

1. наружная часть или сторона; внешняя поверхность the outside of the house was painted a light yellow —- с наружной стороны дом был окрашен в светло-желтый цвет the outside of an omnibus —- империал автобуса to look at something from the outside —- посмотреть на что-либо со стороны he locked the door on the outside —- он запер дверь снаружи wait on the outside —- подожди(те) за дверью the window opens on the outside —- окно открывается на улицу don't judge a thing from the outside —- не судите о вещах только по их внешнему виду 2. лицо или группа лиц, не являющихся членами фирмы, общества, правительства the new president of the company came from the outside —- новый глава компании был человеком со стороны 3. внешний мир impressions from the outside —- впечатления внешнего мира 4. внешность; наружность his outside is rough, but he is good at heart —- у него грубая внешность, но он добрый человек oh, what a goodly outside falsehood hath! (Shakespeare) —- о как на вид беспечность хороша! 5. разг. непосвященный, не имеющий доступа к чему-либо 6. наружные листы (в стопе бумаги) 7. пассажир империала Id: at the (very) outside —- разг. самое большее, в крайнем случае Id: there were only fifty people there at the outside —- там было не более пятидесяти человек Id: it's twelve o'clock at the outside —- во всяком случае сейчас не более двенадцати часов Id: not worth more than 10 dollar at the outside —- крайняя цена - 10 долларов Id: he did it in ten minutes at the outside —- он сделал это максимум за десять минут 8. наружный, внешний outside diameter —- наружный диаметр outside edge —- наружное ребро (конька) the outside leaves —- наружные листья outside room —- комната с окнами на улицу outside lane —- спорт. внешняя дорожка outside sentinel —- воен. часовой внешнего поста outside water —- мор. забортная вода 9. находящийся или происходящий на улице, вне дома outside repairs —- наружный ремонт outside measurements —- внешние размеры outside work —- работа на воздухе an outside seat on an omnibus —- место на империале омнибуса an outside broadcast —- репортаж с места событий (не из студии) 10. крайний outside seat —- место с краю 11. внешний, посторонний the outside world —- внешний мир outside interference —- постороннее вмешательство outside help —- помощь извне outside interests —- посторонние интересы an outside man —- наблюдатель; человек со стороны outside noises disturbed the class —- посторонние шумы отвлекали класс от занятий 12. внеклассный, внеаудиторный outside reading —- внеклассное чтение outside preparation —- выполнение домашнего задания 13. разг. крайний, предельный outside price —- крайняя цена outside figure —- предельная цифра outside amount —- предельное количество an outside estimate of the cost —- максимальная оценка стоимости 14. ам. незначительный, ничтожный an outside chance to win —- ничтожный шанс на победу 15. проходящий большее растояние (при повороте) the right-hand wheels are the outside wheels in a turn to the left —- правые колеса (автомобиля) при повороте налево проходят больший путь, чем левые Id: outside market —- неофициальная биржа 16. с наружной стороны, снаружи to ride outside (on a coach) —- ехать на империале (дилижанса) the house was painted green outside —- снаружи дом был покрашен в зеленый цвет 17. на улице; вне дома, помещения they could see everything that took place outside —- им было видно все, что делалось на улице it was cool outside —- на улице было прохладно the taxi is outside —- такси ждет (у подъезда) run outside and play —- беги на свежий воздух и поиграй там 18. наружу; передается также глагольной приставкой вы- let's go outside —- давайте выйдем на улицу please step outside and wait to be called into the office —- выйди(те), пожалуйста, из комнаты и подожди(те), пока вас не вызовут 19. мор. в открытом море Id: outside in —- наизнанку Id: to turn outside in —- вывернуть наизнанку Id: come outside! —- выходи! (вызов на драку) 20. вне; за (пределами) there was a crowd outside the window —- за окном была толпа outside the city limits —- за пределами города he is known far outside his own country —- он известен далеко за пределами своей родины about 300 yards outside Liverpool street —- приблизительно в 300 ярдах от Ливерпульской улицы it is outside his duties —- это не входит в его обязанности they are outside my circle of friends —- они не относятся к числу моих друзей the question at the examination was quite outside the lectures —- вопрос, заданный на экзамене, совершенно не освещался в лекциях that is outside the question —- это к делу не относится these questions lie outside the scope of my address —- эти вопросы выходят за рамки моего выступления outside the Congress —- вокруг съезда 21. за (пределы), из he went outside the house —- он вышел из дому when he's outside —- когда он выйдет из тюрьмы 22. кроме, за исключением outside him, none of us liked the play —- пьеса не понравилась никому, кроме него outside their work they know nothing —- кроме своей работы, они ничего не знают this phrase is little used outside business letters —- эта фраза употребляется почти исключительно в деловой переписке
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См. в других словарях

  help помощь извне; OUTSIDE  1. noun  1) наружная часть/сторона; внешняя поверхность; the outside of an omnibus - империал омнибуса; - on the outside  2) внешний мир; объективная реальность; impressions from the outside - впечатления внешнего мира - from outside  3) наружность, внешность; - rough outside  4) пассажир империала  5) pl. наружные листы (в стопе бумаги)  6) at the (very) outside - самое большее; в крайнем случае  2. adj.  1) наружный, внешний; - outside repairs - outside work - outside broadcast  2) крайний; находящийся с краю; - outside seat - outside left - outside right  3) внешний; посторонний; - outside help - outside expert - outside broker  4) наибольший, предельный, крайний; - outside limit - outside prices  5) amer. незначительный; - outside chance  3. adv.  1) снаружи, извне; наружу; put those flowers outside - выставьте (из комнаты) эти цветы  2) на (открытом) воздухе; на дворе  3) naut. в открытом море come outside! - выходи! (вызов на драку)  4. prep.  1) вне, за пределами, за пределы (тж. outside of); outside the door - за дверью; outside the city limits - за городской чертой  2) кроме (тж. outside of); no one knows it outside one or two persons - никто этого не знает, за исключением одного или двух человек outside of a horse coll. - верхом to get outside of coll. -  а) съесть, выпить;  б) coll. постичь; разобраться (в вопросе и т.п.) OUTSIDE broadcast внестудийная радиопередача OUTSIDE broker...
Англо-русский словарь
  разг. "Внешний мир" ("Большая земля") Название, которое жители Аляски употребляют в отношении остальных континентальных штатов США. Континентальные штаты они также называют "нижние 48" Lower 48 ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) внестудийный 2) внешний 3) внешняя сторона 4) выходной 5) за пределами 6) наружный 7) наружу 8) посторонний 9) предельный 10) снаружи 11) сторонний factor outside x — множитель перед x fall outside limits — выйти за предел fall outside the limits — выходить за пределы the term outside the integral — внеинтегральный член - from the outside - outside amalgamation - outside associativity - outside broadcasting - outside caliper - outside diameter - outside divider - outside of - outside plant - outside point - outside sill - outside the integral - outside the parentheses - outside value - take outside ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) наружная сторона 2) швейн. лицевая сторона ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., adj., adv., & prep. --n. 1 the external side or surface; the outer parts (painted blue on the outside). 2 the external appearance; the outward aspect of a building etc. 3 (of a path) the side away from the wall or next to the road. 4 (also attrib.) all that is without; the world as distinct from the thinking subject (learn about the outside world; viewed from the outside the problem is simple). 5 a position on the outer side (the gate opens from the outside). 6 colloq. the highest computation (it is a mile at the outside). 7 an outside player in football etc. 8 (in pl.) the outer sheets of a ream of paper. --adj. 1 of or on or nearer the outside; outer. 2 a not of or belonging to some circle or institution (outside help; outside work). b (of a broker) not a member of the Stock Exchange. 3 (of a chance etc.) remote; very unlikely. 4 (of an estimate etc.) the greatest or highest possible (the outside price). 5 (of a player in football etc.) positioned nearest to the edge of the field. --adv. 1 on or to the outside. 2 in or to the open air. 3 not within or enclosed or included. 4 sl. not in prison. --prep. (also disp. foll. by of) 1 not in; to or at the exterior of (meet me outside the post office). 2 external to, not included in, beyond the limits of (outside the law). Phrases and idioms at the outside (of an estimate etc.) at the most. get outside of sl. eat or drink. outside and in outside and inside. outside broadcast Brit. a broadcast made on location and not in a studio. outside edge (on an ice-skate) each of the edges facing outwards when both feet are together. outside in = inside out. outside interest a hobby; an interest not connected with one's work or normal way of life. outside seat a seat nearer the end of a row. outside track the outside lane of a sports track etc. which is longer because of the curve. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 1502  1.  a. a place or region beyond an enclosure or boundary: as  (1) the world beyond the confines of an institution (as a prison)  (2) often capitalized, in Alaska the world beyond the territory or state of Alaska; especially the 48 contiguous states  b. the area farthest from a specified point of reference: as  (1) the side of home plate farthest from the batter  (2) the part of a playing area toward the sidelines  (3) the part of a playing area away from the goal  2. an outer side or surface  3. an outer manifestation ; appearance  4. the extreme limit of a guess ; maximum the crowd numbered 10,000 at the ~  II. adjective  Date: 1634  1.  a. of, relating to, or being on or toward the outer side or surface the ~ edge  b. of, relating to, or being on or toward the outer side of a curve or turn  c. of, relating to, or being on or near the ~ an ~ pitch  2.  a. situated or performed ~ a particular place  b. connected with or giving access to the ~ ~ telephone line  3. maximum  4.  a. not included or originating in a particular group or organization blamed the riot on ~ agitators  b. not belonging to one's regular occupation or duties ~ interests  5. barely possible ; remote an ~ chance  6. made or done from the ~ borrowed a basketball and practiced his ~ shot  III. adverb  Date: 1813  1. on or to the ~  2. outdoors  IV. preposition  Date: 1826  1. — used as a function word to indicate movement to or position on the outer side of  2. beyond the limits of ~ the scope of this report ~ the law  3. except ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (outsides) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The form 'outside of' can also be used as a preposition. This form is more usual in American English. 1. The outside of something is the part which surrounds or encloses the rest of it. ...the outside of the building... Cook over a fairly high heat until the outsides are browned. ? inside N-COUNT: usu the N, oft N of n • Outside is also an adjective. ...high up on the outside wall. ADJ: ADJ n 2. If you are outside, you are not inside a building but are quite close to it. ‘Was the car inside the garage?’—‘No, it was still outside.’... Outside, the light was fading rapidly... The shouting outside grew louder. ? inside ADV: be ADV, ADV after v, n ADV, ADV with cl • Outside is also a preposition. The victim was outside a shop when he was attacked. ? inside PREP • Outside is also an adjective. ...the outside temperature. ...an outside toilet. ADJ: ADJ n 3. If you are outside a room, you are not in it but are in the passage or area next to it. She’d sent him outside the classroom... He stood in the narrow hallway just outside the door. ? inside PREP • Outside is also an adverb. They heard voices coming from outside in the corridor... ? inside ADV: ADV after v, n ADV 4. When you talk about the outside world, you are referring to things that happen or exist in places other than your own home or community. ...a side of Morris’s character she hid carefully from the outside world... It’s important to have outside interests. ADJ: ADJ n • Outside is also an adverb. The scheme was good for the prisoners because it brought them outside into the community. ADV: ADV after v 5. People or things outside a country, town, or region are not in it. ...an old castle outside Budapest... The number of warships stationed outside European waters roughly doubled. ? in PREP: n/-ed PREP n • Outside is also a noun. Peace cannot be imposed from the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 prep 1 out of a particular building or room  (As soon as we were outside the door we burst out laughing.)  (- opposite inside3 (2)) 2 out of a building but still close to it  (I'll meet you outside the hardware store at 2 o'clock.) 3 beyond the limits of a city, country etc  (Add the area code 212 if you are calling from outside the New York area. | just outside)  (Bolton is a beautiful mill town just outside Manchester.) 4 beyond the limits or range of a situation, activity etc  (It's outside my experience I'm afraid. | I don't care who you see outside working hours.)  (- opposite within, -compare beyond1) 5 if someone is outside a group of people, an organization etc they do not have the same ideas and beliefs  (Outside the party the official story was that he needed to spend more time with his family.) ~2 adv 1 not inside a building  (Can't you kids go and play outside? | What do you want to go out for? It's still dark outside.) 2 not in a room or building but close to it  (I don't have time to chat, my husband's waiting outside. | What's happening at the stadium? There are lots of people standing outside.) 3 outside of informal especially AmE a) apart from a particular person or thing; except  (What else can we do, outside of tearing the work up and starting from the beginning?) b) outside a particular place, building etc  (It was decided to run a campaign outside of Washington.)  ( USAGE NOTE: OUT WORD CHOICE out, outside, outdoors/out of doors If you are outside a room or building, you are not in it but are close to it You have to go outside if you want to smoke. | It's cold outside. If you are out, you are away from a building, especially somewhere you live or spend a lot of time Let's go out for a meal/drive. | I'm sorry, Mr. Davies is out at the moment. You use outdoors (or out of doors) more informally to mean being out of any building I'd like a job where I can work outdoors. GRAMMAR People or things go or come out of somewhere He comes out of prison next week (NOT out from prison).| Water poured out of the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - the noun is 1505, "outer side;" the adj. is 17c.; the prep. and adv. early 19c. Outsider is first attested 1800; sense of race horses "outside" the favorites is from 1857. Outside chance is from 1909. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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